Excursion geothermal energy

We went to a housing cooperation Area to learn more about geothermal energy. This cooperation is settled in the Netherlands. They told us about thermo energy in households and explained how it works. We have also seen an example in a building. Here you can read how it works.

There are going tubes in the earth. The water in that tubes are 11 degrees when they go into the earth and 14 degrees when they are coming out.
The pressure in a compressor is inside and outside the tubes different. The result is that the temperature will raise till 40 degrees. Then the water will go through the houses and gives his heat to the houses. Afterwards the temperature in the house will raise and the water will cool down. The water can be reused and goes back into the earth.

Thermo energy can also be used to cool a house down. There are 3 tubes. One with cold water, one with hot water and one with water that goes into the ground to be heated.

We also visited a building where thermo energy is used. We saw a thermo installation that is used to heat a house. The pictures on the right are from the installation. Above you see the heat pipes that hold warm air. The second is a warm water pump. The third are other pipes of the installation.

the room where all the water comes together

here come water to heat more (with presure)

(the tubes with hot water, cold water
and water that goes in the ground
to heat again.)

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