Use and production of energy

The Netherlands
Production of energy in 2003
13,2 billion kilowatt
91,0 billion kilowatt
Production of hydro energy
0-15 %
Production of nuclear energy

38% in 2003
4% in 2003
Production of sun energy
500-2000 cm2/ habitant
200-500 cm2/ habitant
Production of thermo energy
Production of wind energy

There is a big difference between the production of energy in Slovenia and in the Netherlands. The Netherlands produce more energy, but Slovenia produces more sustainable energy. The  type of production of energy has impact on the kind of energy that is used. The Slovenian people use less energy than the Dutch people, but Slovenia has a negative energy balance, because of a less production. This means that it’s possible that Slovenia and the Netherlands use the same quantity of sustainable energy.

The Netherlands
Use of energy in 2002
4981 kg coal equivalent/ habitant
6897 kg coal equivalent/ habitant
Energy balance in 2002
CO2 emission in 2003
8,3 ton/ habitant
16 ton/habitant

Source: Bosatlas 53e + 54e edition

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